Dao Nhat Nam - Sketch Canvas

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Week 1 Oct 8, 2019

500 Moving Circles

This is my first sketch so I went easy and made it simple but still interseting to watch. Circles of different shades, sizes, velocities, and at different positions are generated so what should happen is that, at some point, all the balls exit the canvas and disappear forever unless the page is reloaded.

Week 2 Oct 27, 2019

Exapnding and Retracting Circles

A clump of 500 circles of various sizes and densities are created when the page opens up. They all slowly move outwards and after a while the circles withdraw back into their original positions; this loops repeats itself infinitely. If you look closely, it appears as if we were traveling into the balls and then moving backwards.

Week 3 Nov 2, 2019

Spinning and Fading Lines

Leaving ball-related ideas for now, I decided to make a line-related idea. Also, since I haven't worked with spinning objects for a whilte now, I made this sketch. What happens is that lines spawn in at random positions and lengths and they spin; the longer a line spins the more faded it gets until it disappears.

Week 4 Nov 16, 2019

Solar System

I decided to try a calmer idea this time since all the previous sketchs were more on the active side and so I settled on an imitation of our solar system. This is the result and it looks quite neat. However, the sketch doesn't have accurate measurements and everything.

Week 5 Nov 24, 2019

Splitting Rectangles

Got this idea from my brother and made it as my 5th sketch. To me, it's quite satisfying to see the sketch work its wonders. At the start, there's a big, moving rectangle and it splits into two when it hits a wall. These two new rectangles have the same function and continues splitting until the limit of 500 rectangles is reached.

Week 6 Nov 28, 2019

Exploding Circles

Approaching the field of particles for the first time, I came up with a really basic example, exploding balls. A bunch of circles of different sizes spawn at each 50 ticks. The circles are faint at first but become darker and start to pulse red and then explode, projecting out other smaller circles that look like particles.

Week 7 Dec 7, 2019

Trailing Balls of Space

How the sketch works was completely unintended. My coding counselor made a kind of canvas where you could code on and it would function like the one in a browse but his version is more convenient. And instead of actually clearing the canvas each update, his canvas would just lay another translucent layer on top. So what happens if you have objects moving around, it would look like they have trails. So using that concept, I had a dark background and 1500 circles to start with in the middle, expanding out and more spawning in the same position as it continues. This makes it look like we were traveling through space.

Week 8 Dec 14, 2019

Green and Red Fireballs

Following the "clear-screen" physics of the last sketch that I made, I got down to making another sketch like that. This one involves having 2 animations playing on the screen at once. And like the title suggests the animations involve fireballs. The animation that is positioned above would have red fireballs spawning while the one below it has green. The fireballs leave particles as they fly around and can bounce off the walls and each other. Once a fireball has bounced enough times, it gets weakened and will eventually explode, projecting even more particles. However, be warned that this might get laggy as your device handles this week's sketch.

Week 9 Dec 30, 2019

Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year

In the holiday spirits, I decided to make a sketch related to the stereotypical image of Christmas. It consists of snow falling down and collecting along with a Santa Claus flying around and delivering the children their presents. See it for yourself by clicking on the link below!

Week 10 Jan 5, 2020

3... 2... 1... Happy New Year!

It's 2020 now! Everybody's happy and ready to start with their resolutions and to begin a new year. To celebrate this special occasion of beginning a new year and a new decade, I coded up something special. It has to do with fireworks and that's all I'm saying but you might already know that from the image of the sketch. Clink on the link down below to see for yourself what I did.

Week 11 Jan 22, 2020

Goodbye Alex

Alex is a really close friend of mine who I've known for 3 years now. It may not seem a lot to some people but during that time, we created an exceptionally tight bond. Sadly, he's supposed to return to his country, Korea. I will miss him very much and wanted to give him something in appreciation of all the times we spent together. This is what I made and I want to share it with you as well.